It turned out almost like my dream. Good enough anyway.
Tofu-pesto with onion and cream of oat (havregrädde)
300 g firm tofu
1/2 dl sunflower seeds
1 onion
6 mushrooms
3 big garlic cloves
2,5 dl cream of oat
1/2 tsp chili flakes
1 vegetable stock cube
basil leaves
olive oil
s & p
1. First roast the sunflower seeds until they get a nice brown color. Place them in a food processor and mix them to grain.
2. Chop the garlic to big pieces. Chop the onion and the mushrooms. Fry everything in olive oil together with the chili flakes for about 5 minutes or 'til they are well done. Add the sunflower seed grain and fry for one minute more. Don't be afraid to add more olive oil if needed - it's supposed to be some sort of pesto. When done remove from the frying pan.
3. Crumble the block of tofu to small pieces. Fry in a lot of olive oil together with the stock cube for several minutes. The water should disappear and try to make the tofu almost crunchy. Add black pepper.
4. Add the fried vegetables and the vegan cream. If needed add more s & p. When the damn thing is done chop up and put in the basil leaves.
Serve with spaghetti.
jag får också såna drömmar ibland! det är underbart!
hej igen bullen. jag måste bara fråga om detta är ett försenat aprilskämt eller vad?!
jag har iaf skrattat så jag frustat glass på hela datorskärmen
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