Monday, March 30, 2009

Finskt rågbröd/Finnish Rye Bred - Our first sourdough

With a skilled mentor from Oslo, a good cookbook, and a smile from lady luck, we managed to pull this off. It turned out fantastic! It was a long process. We started out on Wednesday morning and took the bred out of the oven the following Monday afternoon - 6 days! But it was worth waiting for, full of flavor and aroma.

For all you swedes we can recommend the sourdough blog Pain de Martin. And the fantastic cookbook Bröd av Jan Hedh. Does anyone know of an English sourdough site?

Moments before entering the oven

Finally done!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Apelsin/Orange Mandel/Almond Tofu, Kale, and Quinoa

Quinoa is a very healthy alternative to rice; it's a complete protein!

served with steamed kale and celery.

1. Saute tofu and a handful of almonds in a wok with pepper, ort salt, and garlic.
2. To the tofu, add water as needed, 2T Bragg's Liquid Aminos or soy sauce, 1T rice or sushi vinegar, the juice of 1 orange, 1T fresh ginger, garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste, and roasted sesame seeds. Continue sauteeing until tofu reaches desired texture and flavors are absorbed.

A simple, nutritious, and delicious dinner!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pizza and Calzone/Stromboli hybrid, Come stai American-Italian?

We proudly present Whole Wheat Pizza Crust made from scratch by UKF Local-68's best all around baker! Fresh vegetables, roasted garlic, and soy-sage make for all around Italian-American delights; pizza, stromboli, calzone, etc... Italian-Americans have fought hard in the streets and northern factories of the United States. Two of the most famous Italian-American anarchists, Sacco and Vanzetti who were unjustly murdered by the Massachusetts state for being anarchists and immigrants, would be proud of these pies.

Whole Wheat Pizza crust:

1 1/4 C lukewarm water
1/2 tablespoon regular baking yeast
1/2 teaspoon organic cane sugar
3 1/4 C whole wheat pastry flour, or flour of your choice
1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 tablespoon salt

Combine water, yeast, and sugar. Let sit until frothy. Add 2 cups of flour, oil, and salt and stir well. Add remaining flour and knead for five minutes or so. Place dough in oiled bowl, cover, and let rest for one hour in a warm place. Punch down the dough and divide into two balls for 12" pizzas, or four for smaller pies.

Roll out your dough on a well-floured (we used cornmeal) surface, creating a rim to surround your toppings while baking.

Transfer to a greased baking sheet, add your toppings, and bake for approximately eight to ten minutes at 450F.

Mmm, pizza!

Local-68's creations:

tomato sauce, spinach, mushrooms, roasted garlic*, tomato, soysage, red pepper flakes, oregano.

tomato sauce, vegan mozzarella, onions, tomato, soysage, oregano.

tomato sauce, onion, mushrooms, tomato, spinach, soysage, vegan parmesan, red pepper flakes.

an accidental calzone. tomato sauce, vegan mozzarella, soysage, green peppers, roasted garlic*, tomato.

*To roast garlic, remove as much of the papery skin as possible from without peeling an entire head or two (depending on how much you want) of fresh garlic. Place in the oven at 350F for 30 minutes. Once cool enough to handle, remove the roasted bulbs from the garlic peel. Voila! Delicious roasted garlic.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Executive Order number 2,Titles changed!

We are happy to announce that our older blogs have now changed their names to serve as a recipe blog more so than just the old clever titles.

Local-68 of UKF is issuing this direct order to all other UKF members; from here on out we in the UKF will be naming our blog entries with their proper food names first and then the clever title will follow. This change is needed in order to make our blog more user friendly and serve as a catalog of recipes. we apologize for lacking in blog entries but this order must be followed!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Big vegan cheese news!

DAIYA, probably the best vegan cheese in the world. Can't wait for it to make it into the market and all the way to Sweden. The pictures are fucking amazing! It actually STRETCHES! Aaaahhhh!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Old Corner, bästa restaurangvalet!

Idag öppnade Göteborgs veganvänligaste restaurang, Old Corner, i gamlestan. Klockan tre slog de upp portarna och veganerna började trilla in. Vi hade studerat menyn i förväg och det såg mycket lovande ut. Men ändå var våra förväntningar inte särskillt höga då vi hade det något misslyckade L'assasino på andra långgatan färskt i minnet. De hade också en mycket lovande meny men lyckades aldrig leverera efter förväntningarna. Den här gången gick vi dock inte besvikna från premiären, tvärt om! Vi prövade en tzaipizza och en kebabpizza, en 150-grams-burgare och en kolgrillad steak med bearnaisesås, samt en falafelpizza där ordern sjabblades bort och det blev en tafflig falafeltallrik istället. Allt utom falafeltallriken var till stor belåtenhet. Steken och kebabpizzan var de riktigt starka korten på vårt bord, men vi hörde även att pasta carbonara ska vara ett bra val.

Hela menyn är en rätt klassik krogmeny där alla rätter har veganiserats. Det fina är att kött är bytt mot kött, och ost är bytt mot ost, etc. Vi ser mycket fram emot nästa besök. Det är inte varje dag man blir så bortskämd av urvalet att man får beslutsångest.

Kolgrillad steak




Monday, March 2, 2009

Mmm... donuts...

Amerikanerna har det bra. Finnarna har det riktigt bra också. Men vart går vi stackars göteborgare när sockersuget är som störst? Vill du ha donuts får du gå till köket. Men det här är ett riktigt bra recept, så det kanske inte är så synd om oss ändå.

Som underhållning till fikat kan vi rekommendera kungafamiljens tal till nationen angående giftemålet mellan Victoria och Daniel, samt den efterföljande presskonferensen. Hysteriskt roligt.

Receptet är taget från veganmatpepp. Potatismjölet glömde vi bort då det inte står uttryckligt var det ska i någonstans, men det blev helt perfekt ändå. Vi bakade halva satsen vilket räckte till 8 himmelska fluffiga donuts.