We gathered this cloudy day to wish two of Underground Cookings most loved cooks a happy stay in their new home in Greensboro, North Carolina. Sad but brave; they have left Hisingen to spread the taste of revolution in USA. We all felt like we have come a long way in our struggle to unify the workingclass of Gothenburg therefor it's time to intensify and grow. So these two vegan warriors did the right thing and went back to the backwoods of Bush-land.
Greensboro is a dangerous place in the dirt poor south, with a widely divided workingclass. There are many obsticles to come and many victories to be won and we wish them all the best. But this is not the last that we see of them, the two heroes will be reporting here on our blog just the same as before. And we look forward to see you in two months when parts of the UKF will come visit. This was the last supper just for the time being but as UC is now carved into flesh we will never be apart. Good luck and bon voyage!
Leve Biskop! Man vet vilket folk det är i UKF när man själv ska skriva ett inlägg och andra i gänget har redan fixat det! Detta inlägg kunde inte skrivets bättre! nu ska UFK-Greensboro sätta igång! WATCH YOUR BACKS!
Leve Greensboro! Vi saknar er skitmycket redan! Vi väntar med spänning på ert nästa inlägg. BRING IT ON MOTHAFUKKAS!!
:( så tråkigt. jaja, ha det så bra där borta. tatueringarna var FETA.
Nice grill stufss! And that cace-looking thing makes me smile because its looks like giant "sämla"(in finnish "laskiaispulla"..)you know what I mean, that bulla which swedes and finns used to eat in winter..?
Yes that IS a giant semla! We forgot to write that. The man in the picture is all about semlor. And this one tasted absolutely fantastic!
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